Friday, October 8, 2010

Love test (from facebook, but quite accurate)

Normally we seen many different test, different post, different link, different video, and different status in facebook.
Today i have seen a love test in facebook, maybe too bored in doing assignment
see friend play say accurate then i also try try lah, the result is quite accurate.
Then, i still bored, so think of posting it in blog, haha. (Actually got a lot things need to do one, haha)
Me and my friend result totally different, so i think i know how the theories go kut...
I guess i know the theories lah...guess only, haha.

1. You are walking to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house. There are two roads to get there. One is straight path to take you there quickly, but very boring. The other is significantly longer but is full of wonderful sights and interesting things. Which one do you take to get to your significant other's house, SHORT or LONG?
  • Short or
  • Long
2.  On the way you see two rose bushes. One is full of red roses, the other full of white. You decide to pick 20 roses for your boyfriend/girlfriend of any one colour or two colour combination. What number of white and/or red do you pick?
  • ____?_____ red roses, _____?______white roses
3.  You finally get to their house. A family member answers the door. You can have the family member get your boy/girlfriend or go get them yourself?
  • The family member gets him/her or
  • Get him/her myself
4.  You go up to your boy/girlfriend's room, but nobody is there. You decide to leave the roses. Do you leave them by the windowsill or on the bed?
  • By the windowsill or
  • On the bed
5.  Later, it's time for bed. You and your boy/girlfriend sleep in separate rooms. In the morning, when it's time to wake up, you go into his/her room and check on him/her. When you arrive, do you prefer him/her to be awake or asleep?
  • Awake or
  • Asleep
6.  Now it's time to go back home. Do you take the short, plain or more interesting road?
  • Short or
  • Long
Click Read More to view the result :)

1. You are walking to your boyfriend/girlfriend's house. There are two roads to get there. One is straight path to take you there quickly, but very boring. The other is significantly longer but is full of wonderful sights and interesting things. Which one do you take to get to your significant other's house, SHORT or LONG?
  • Short (You fall in love quickly and easily)
  • Long (You take your time and do not fall in love easily)
2.  On the way you see two rose bushes. One is full of red roses, the other full of white. You decide to pick 20 roses for your boyfriend/girlfriend of any one colour or two colour combination. What number of white and/or red do you pick? 
  • ____?_____ red roses, _____?______white roses
  • it is the percentage of love you will give and how much you expect for return
  • Example: if 10 red, 10 white, means in a relationship you give 50% and expect 50% in return.
3.  You finally get to their house. A family member answers the door. You can have the family member get your boy/girlfriend or go get them yourself? 
  • The family member gets him/her (You asked the family member to get your significant other; You like to avoid problems and hope that they will solve themselves)
  • Get him/her myself (You like to get the person yourself; You are a more direct person and like to work out problems immediately)
4.  You go up to your boy/girlfriend's room, but nobody is there. You decide to leave the roses. Do you leave them by the windowsill or on the bed?
  • By the windowsill (You are alright with not seeing him/her so often)
  • On the bed (You like to see him/her a lot)
5.  Later, it's time for bed. You and your boy/girlfriend sleep in separate rooms. In the morning, when it's time to wake up, you go into his/her room and check on him/her. When you arrive, do you prefer him/her to be awake or asleep?
  • Awake (You expect the person to change for you)
  • Asleep (You love the person the way he/she is)
6.  Now it's time to go back home. Do you take the short, plain or more interesting road?
  • Short (You fall out of love easily)
  • Long (You will tend to stay in love for a long time)

This is the example results we get, guess which is mine? haha.Tell me what you get if you  don't mind =)  haha. all the people that play it also think it is kinda accurate.心理测验有很多种类::性格啦,个性啦,爱情啦,友情啦,人际关系啦,等等。等等很多人都喜欢玩,可是准的也没几个而更确实的是,其实大家的心中都有答案只是有没有问题把那个答案给引出来而已当测验结果和心里答案一致,你就说它准当结果不同,你就会说:什么烂东西,根本不准嘛。。。心理测验=  给自己心里答案所做的测验问题~~~


Candlelyn said...



Jen said...

Mine ah, quite accurate except for the roses one... Lol.

- You take your time and do not fall in love easily
- In a relationship you give 65% and expect 35% in return. (Hahaha.)
- You are a more direct person and like to work out problems immediately
- You like to see him/her a lot
- You love the person the way he/she is
- You fall out of love easily


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