just some moments more, our ssmp-ian holidays will come to an end and we need to start our works in differents company~~~for industrial training purpose.
now is still holiday, but i have nothing to do
just like many others students holiday does,
my everyday routine are
sleep, eat, watch tv, play computer n facebook and sleep again
do nothing else
so, life is quite boring for the moments
and that is why i didn't upload my blog for some time
sorry for candlelyn and jenn who had said waited for my blog to be updated
i really dunno what to write, not as much cute and creative ideas as u all have mah
after complaining about this boring holiday, i might start to re-uploading my blog
let me think, what should i write...hmm...
u 2 wait for it lah =P
oklar,i wait for u.
haha, so wu liao de post u also give comment ah...hahahaha
wuliao still a post mah,i also wuliao 1,hehe
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